Automatic Weight Segregation System
Taken by : Nidhish shah,
Nilpa rathod,
Sahil chatrala
Guide By: Mr.Jimit Talati |
College : Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: AMUL DAIRY -ANAND
IDP/UDP Field: Automation system
Abstract: The system that we have designed is an IDP from AMUL DAIRY ANAND. The system has a continuous conveyer belt that carries metal objects whose weight has to be monitored. As the object moves towards the weight sensing element which is a load cell, it trips a metal detector that stops the conveyer so that stable weight of the object can be measured by the load cell.
The output of the load cell is given to a microcontroller for comparison and decision making. The controller makes sure whether the object is within the required weight range set by the user. If the object is within range, the conveyer starts again and the object moves towards its destination but if the object is found outside the range, the controller actuates a motor that pushes the object off the main conveyer onto an auxiliary conveyer.
An LCD display connected to the microcontroller keeps track of total no. of objects verified and total no. of objects rejected.This data is also sent to a computer via serial port of the microcontroller so that it can be logged for future use.
Tag: Automation system |
Smart Godown Material Handler
Taken by : Sutaria rachit,
Shah disha,
Gohil rajashree
Guide By: Mr. Ravi Gandhi |
College : Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: AMUL DAIRY -ANAND
IDP/UDP Field: Automation system
Abstract: Our project is based on automatic guided vehicle which will enhance the warehouse material handling capabilities by decreasing the use of conventional conveyor belts and manual forklifts.
A combination of two different agvs will make the warehouse material transportation rapid and safe. The most important thing is that automatic guided vehicle will not require permanent space allocation and it will reduce power consumption.
Tag: Automation system |
Auto Cip-sip Mobile System |
Taken by : PANCHAL ALPESH K. |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Project of Auto CIP-SIP mobile system is basically based on real industrial problem. In industries like food, dairy, beverage, nutraceutical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, health and personal care industries it necessary to clean the vessels and other equipments as well. So this cleaning and sterilization of the plant vessels is the idea behind this project.
Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) and Sterilization-In-Place (SIP) are systems designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting without major disassembly and assembly work.
“CIP – Cleaning in place” is an essential & up-to-date method of cleaning the processes plants quickly & dependably.
All liquids and solids, as well as build up, need to be removed from the system. Only if the plant is really clean can a successful sterilization be done.
Sterilization is always the second step. If there are any microorganisms left alive in the system, the sterilization kills them. This step does not replace the cleaning.
Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) and Sterilization-In-Place (SIP) are systems designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting without major disassembly and assembly work. Additionally, a well designed CIP system (employing double seat valve (block and bleed) technology and a bit of process integration) will enable you to clean one part of the plant while other areas continue to produce product. Furthermore, a modern CIP system will not only save money in terms of higher plant utilization but also due to significant savings in CIP liquid (by recycling cleaning solutions), water (the system is designed to use the optimum quantity of water) and man-hours. |
Automatic Controlling Of Greenhouse Parametres Using Plc & Its Implementation On Scada |
Taken by : Shah Deep Yateshkumar, Patel Kunal Rameshbhai, Patel Romil Pramodhbhai |
Guide By: Naimesh B. Mehta |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Kloeckner Desma Machinery Pvt. Ltd. |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: A greenhouse is a building where plants are grown. Greenhouses are often used for growing
flowers, vegetables, fruits, and tobacco plant. Because the temperature and humidity of
greenhouse must be constantly monitored to ensure optimal conditions, the automatic control
loop can be used to gather the data of temperature and humidity continuously. This Final
Year Project Report will discuss about an application of the automation system in monitoring
the temperature, humidity and light intensity in the greenhouse. In this project, different
sensors and a PLC will be used to monitor and control the temperature and humidity in the
greenhouse. The whole process will be displayed on the screen by the use of SCADA. By
using this system, the process of monitoring is easier and it is also cheaper for installation
and maintenance process. This project is the combination of hardware and software both. |
Automatic Dual Axis Sun Tracking System |
Guide By: Prof, KAPIL C. DAVE |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Mamata Energy Pvt. Ltd. |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Automatic Food Ordering,serving And Billing Process |
Guide By: Prof.DEEPALI SHAH |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Our project aims to implement a new kind of restaurant in which main three processes- Ordering, Serving and Billing is made automatic which can be controlled by the Programmable Logic Controller.
In this era many people are needed for the purpose of taking the order, serving the food and paying the bill in the restaurant. In short, huge man power is required. This affects the privacy and enjoyment of the people coming in the restaurant. These kinds of things are mainly considered for the college youth and couples, who want more freedom, so we will implement such a restaurant in which less man power and more comforts are available.
We are using Siemens Simatic S7-200 CPU-226 CN as PLC and programming is done in Step-7 MICROWIN V5. Scada screens are developed using WINCC FLEXIBLE SP2 software including runtime simulation. |
Automatic Irrigation Control System Using Microcontroller |
Taken by : milan kachhadiya, patel amit, sondigala ketan |
Guide By: mr. kuldip tarpara |
College : ATMIYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, RAJKOT Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: - |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important. In the conventional irrigation system, the farmer has to keep watch on irrigation timetable, which is different for different crops. The project makes the irrigation automated. This project is best suited for places where water is scares and has to be used in limited quantity. Also, third world countries can afford this simple solution for irrigation and obtain good yield on Crops.
The heart of the project is the Intel 89s52microcontroller, UART controller that is used in this project. Microcontroller is connected with moisture sensors and solenoid valves. Here we used 6 sensors and 3 solenoid valves sufficient for 3 crop lines. Each crop line contains 2 moisture sensors and one solenoid valve. Out of two sensors one is placed at beginning of crop line and other at end of crop line. When first sensor senses that crop line is dried then it sends the signal to controller, it turns on the motor and control the valve of that particular crop line. When water reaches to end other sensor again send the signal and controller close that valve. Same phenomenon is carried out in each crop line. Relays are controlled by the microcontroller through the high current driver IC, ULN2803. |
Automatic Namkeen Maker Using Plc & Scada |
Guide By: Prof. Kalpesh Pathak |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GANDHINAGAR Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Prima Automation (India) Pvt. Ltd. |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: To target the gujarati market segment, we have started the project of
“AUTOMATIC NAMKEEN MAKER” through which the people all over the region
(Specially gujarati people) can get consistent Quality & Taste through out. To fulfil this
concept PRIMA AUTOMATION provides opportunity to us to make a project which is
based on PLC & SCADA.PLC & SCADA are most useful in automation industries.
Nowadays both provides reliable and flexible performances.
Many engineering systems, including some machines, equipment’s, which are used
in industries, are controlled by programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The dependence on
these PLCs is due to their high reliability and efficiency. It is based on a memory and a
number of input and output terminals. The software used for PLC programming is based on a
special language known as the ladder diagram. This makes the task of modifying any system
much easier and more cost-effective.
Automatic namkeen maker is one such machine, which completely gives a new
pace to satisfy its automation requirements. |
Automatic Namkeen Maker Using Plc And Scada |
Taken by : tekwani rahul maheshkumar, zala hiral hareshkumar |
Guide By: Naimesh Mehta |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Prima Automation |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: To target the Gujarati market segment, we have started the project of “AUTOMATIC NAMKEEN MAKER” through which the people all over the region (Especially Guajarati people) can get consistent Quality & Taste throughout.
To fulfil this concept PRIMA AUTOMATION provides opportunity to us to make a project which is based on PLC & SCADA. PLC & SCADA are most useful in automation industries. Nowadays both provide reliable and flexible performances.
Many engineering systems, including some machines, equipment’s, which are used in industries, are controlled by programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
The dependence on these PLCs is due to their high reliability and efficiency. It is based on a memory and a number of input and output terminals. The software used for PLC programming is based on a special language known as the ladder diagram.
This makes the task of modifying any system much easier and more cost-effective.
Automatic namkeen maker is one such machine, which completely gives a new pace to satisfy its automation requirements. This machine basically provides automation in producing various namkeen items like papdi, ratlamisev, kurkure etc.
at a very cheap cost, saving considerable manpower. Here main focused in PLC ladder logic and how to connect an external hardware/system with the PLC to control that hardware. |
Automatic Speed Control Device For Vehicle |
Taken by : amin vaibhav b., khalas saurabh r., modi devarsh j., modi parth h. |
Guide By: Dr. Chetan.B.Bhatt |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHANDKHEDA Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Hiecon Technologies |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: As name indicates, it is a device through which we can control speed of vehicles from remote location. It is like we have remote control to limit the speed. By giving command, it limits the speed suppose 30Km/hr. Now speed can’t go beyond 30Km/hr but can go below this limit. Ultimate aim is to control speed for some limited area after that it is possible to give another command to retrieve full speed. It is related to real life problem OR socio-technical issues. Currently, we don’t have any implementation or system through which we can control speed of vehicles from remote location. By this project we try to make something innovative which is useful to real life or may be in industry. Here, we strongly understand that it should be utilized under government authority only. |
Automatic Transportation Of Finished Product Using Plc |
Guide By: Ms.R.P.SATODIA |
College : ATMIYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE, RAJKOT Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: • The company named ‘AMUL AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRIES’ is manufacturing connecting rods, crank shafts, cylinder blocks etc. Our group undertook an Industry Defined Project based on ‘Automatic Transportation of Finished Products using PLC.’
• In small scale industry finished goods are taken by workers or vehicle which is time consuming and costly. In this project by using PLC we can automatically transport the finished goods. There is a track in which trolley is placed which is automatically directed using PLC, transferring goods to the destination point. By using this project our aim is to reduce cost and time of the company for more profits.
• We are also trying to separate the products based on weight of the products of different companies using load cell. By doing this we can also reduce the complaints lodged by the customers about delivery of wrong products.
• This project can reduce labour cost, and manual work by the workers. This will also reduce the time consumption to transport any product to the destination point. |
Automation For Maintaining Chemical Properties Of Water With Extension To Domestic Use |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: The main objective of our IDP is to convert the manual operation of level controlling and maintaining TDS and softness of water into Automatic process using PLC. While executing survey in the plant, we observed that the process of level controlling of water from underground tank to overhead tank is completely manual, which often results into unexpected emptiness or sudden overflow of the overhead tank.Apart from the above process, they are also using manual operations for maintaining chemical properties of bore water. As the MOL is a successfully running industry, the fluctuations caused are so less though it is a manual process but still our effort is to put the whole manual process into Auto-mode using PLC via a Prototype.
The output of this prototype gives:
1. Raw water
2. Soft water for cooling purpose
3. R.O. water for drinking purpose |
Automation Of Dye-intermediate Industry |
Taken by : Jariwala Jigar Vimalkumar, Variya Umangkumar Kanubhai, Gajjar Chirag Ashvinbhai, Makwana Raj Kiritkumar |
Guide By: Prof. Utpal Pandya |
College : SARVJANIK COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, SURAT Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Macson Products,GIDC estate,Surat |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: This is batch process automation. The waste liquid called mother liquor is to be neutralized in a closed stirred & jacketed tank reactor by maintaining the temperature in the range of 70°C-80°C such that the pH of the tank-fluid is in 6-6.2 range and the tank does not fill to a dangerous level. After titrating the waste, the resultant fluid is to be filtered and filtrate is vacuum distilled automatically in the next stage. Then it is allowed to cool down naturally to 50°C, and product1 is extracted. The filtrate is then allowed to cool down to 30°C and again filtered, from which product 2 & product 3 are obtained in a ratio of 10:90.In the next step, it is again vacuum distilled. Then it is again filtered at 70°C, after which pure product salt is gained At the last step, the filtrate is heated to reduce to about 3000 liter giving about 1500 liter of distilled water. Then it is allowed to cool to room temperature giving a mixture of product 2 and product 3. All these processes of the batch are to be made fully automatic, at least the first stage, for which the automation has been devised. The automation scheme is proposed to be of remote auto style. Care has been taken for selection of instruments as locally available, feasible ,economic and an attempt has been made to design a system as safe as possible since, most of the batch processes are a ‘run away’ in case of some acute malfunction or a halt before the whole batch ends. The actual practical version of the system would also include a finely furnished control panel with proper alarms and pilot lights with emergency field as well as remote controls.The SCADA system is also run in parallel to the PLC logic in order to monitor and supervise the whole batch. Each stage runs only once during the whole batch cycle. |
Automation Of Spin Coating Machine |
Taken by : Ezzy Juzar M., Kadam Nikunj R., Shah Anil G., Patel Anand A. |
Guide By: Dr.C.B.BHATT |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, CHANDKHEDA Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Vishwakarma govt. engineering college |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: The main aim of the project “Making of Spin Coating Machine” is come in the
mind due to the complexity of the older spin coating machine available in over
institute. Due to advancement in the technology globally there is large number of
availability of various automated as well as digital instrument.
Instrument which is available in institute has very complex and bulky circuitry. The
instrument is totally in the analog form. Speed control of this analog based spin
coating machine is not precious and also there is problem of maintenance because
of complex circuitry.
With the help of digital circuitry we are succeed to convert all this analog based
instrument in the digital form. This instrument is made with the help of
microcontroller so it overcome all the problem of analogue spin coating machine.
There is vary accurate control of instrument is possible. This digital spin coating
machine has not the very complex circuit as analogue spin coating machine so
maintenance is not the matter.
Due to the digital control of speed of motor along with the robust PID control
algorithms used, developing centrifugal force is also accurately controlled. So the
required thickness of material on the flat surface is spread. Finally this instrument
is helpful in the coating of various MEMs. |
Control Panel Of Rmg Machine Based On Timer |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GANDHINAGAR Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Data Acquisition System For Neutral Beam Calorimeters With Scada. |
Guide By: MR.N.B.MEHTA |
College : L. D. ENGINEERING COLLEGE , AHMEDABAD Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Spider beam dump is a calorimeter to measure the power density of the neutron beam. For that thermocouples are used..Data Acquisition System is to be designed for thermocouples on HTE. So only for one thermocouple the hardware of DAQ is made. The data of thermocouple is stored in PC. Using LABVIEW and SCADA system simulation of control of temperature and display is to be done. Four channel DAQ and Control using PID is done in LABVIEW. The SCADA screen is made for whole control loop display and control. |
Design Of 24v,1 Amp Smps |
Taken by : dhokiya dhaval bachubhai, patanvadiya ashish dheerubhai |
Guide By: prof. umang shah |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE ,RAJKOT Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: NIL |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Every new electronic product, except those that are battery powered, requires converting off–line 115 V ac or 230 V ac power to some dc voltage for powering the electronics. The availability of design and application information and highly integrated semiconductor control ICs for switching power supplies allows the designer to complete this portion of the system design quickly and easily.
Efficient conversion of electrical power is becoming a primary concern to companies and to society as a whole. Switching power supplies offer not only higher efficiencies but also offer greater flexibility to the designer. Recent advances in semiconductor, magnetic and passive technologies make the switching power supply an ever more popular choice in the power conversion arena today.
In this report we have tried to cover almost all parameters regarding Switch Mode Power Supply. Also chapter wise distribution of all topics will improve readability as well as ensure smooth flow of understanding.
Here we have started from the history of SMPS in the first chapter. Preceding section include basics of linear and high frequency switch mode power supply as well as comparison between both type of power supply. Various design considerations such as transformer design, core structure are also covered.
In the preceding chapter u find our project execution starting from generating pulsewidth modulated waveform using SG 3525 then switching of MOSFET with resistive load. Further section gives details of transformer design and input bridge and bulk filter capacitor calculation. Next u finds design of feedback circuit with isolation using V to F and F to V conversion. Some critical information regarding SMPS is given in the appendix A,B and C. Datasheets of various Ics are also given in the appendix D. |
Elevator Using Plc & Scada |
Guide By: Mr Kalpesh Pathak |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GANDHINAGAR Branch: Instrumentation & Control
Industry Name: Sofcon |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: What is the common problem everybody is facing especially in cities now days? Obviously price of the lands which are touching the sky! And what solution we chose to handle that problem? High rising buildings, but same time these buildings need modem technologies to facilitated human being to reach any floor without using much time and energy and that modern technology is elevator or Lift. So we chose to work on this wonderful technology \"Elevator \".
In this paper, the design and implementation of a Four-level elevator system controlled by Small PLC. The reliance on these PLCs is due to their high reliability and efficiency.Though practically elevators are not controlled by PLC, still we employed it, because elevator is an appropriate system where we can explore a lot of features of the PLC. As it is a mere model only, while shifting to practical elevator some module of our model need to be replaced, viz. DC motor drive need to be replaced by an Induction motor drive, a weight counter-balancing technique should be employed But as our target of doing this project is mainly PLC oriented, we mainly focused in PLC ladder logic and how to connect an external hardware/system with the PLC to control that hardware |
Greenbee- Monitoring & Control Of Green House Envirinment |
Guide By: DR. N.M BHUPTANI |
College : SHANTILAL SHAH ENGINEERING COLLEGE , BHAVNAGAR Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Appropriate environmental conditions are necessary for optimum plant growth, improved crop yields, and efficient use of water and other resources. Automating the data acquisition process of the soil conditions and various climatic parameters that govern plant growth allows information to be collected at high frequency with less labor requirements. The existing systems employ PC or SMS-based systems for keeping the user continuously informed of the conditions inside the greenhouse; but are unaffordable, bulky, difficult to maintain and less accepted by the technologically unskilled workers.
The objective of this project is to design a simple, easy to install, microcontroller-based circuit to monitor and record the values of temperature, humidity, soil moisture and sunlight of the natural environment that are continuously modified and controlled in order optimize them to achieve maximum plant growth and yield.
. The design is quite flexible as the software can be changed any time. It can thus be tailor-made to the specific requirements of the user.
This makes the proposed system to be an economical, portable and a low maintenance solution for greenhouse applications, especially in rural areas and for small scale agriculturists |
Hmi With Modbus |
College : GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GANDHINAGAR Branch: Instrumentation & Control
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: In textile industries there are a large number of yarn winders. Each yarn winders winds the thread at a same or different speeds, different tension, etc,. Each yarn winders has different set point to operate. Providing set point individually to each winders is not a feasible option as it would leads to more human labor and human error, and as well as each winders touchpad for setting set points will also get damaged, if they are frequently used. We can use a central HMI unit with controller which can sets the operating points of all the yarn winders in a particular area or a small region. This will be helpful in saving human labor and excessive cost. By using this system the process become less prone to errors as a central controller will only directs all the instruction.
The high performance lap winder has to be designed in order to guarantee practical operations. Easy to operate, great reliability and low operational costs are to be achieved.
The lap winder is to be managed by a modern PC microprocessor: all the production data and the working parameters are controlled and saved during the production cycle. The multi-language H.M.I. is user friendly and permits a simple use with clear diagrams, detailed monitoring pages and step-by-step troubleshooting procedures. |
Total : 220 |