Taste Improvement Of Stevia As A Sweetner |
Guide By: Prof P. M. ganorkar |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology , V .V .Nagar Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing Technology |
Abstract: Health awareness in the recent years has made people think profusely about exercising and healthy eating to prevent adding formidable weight and lead a healthy life. Hence, more and more people are opting for sugar substitutes that are either low in calories or have zero calories. Artificial sweeteners are call for the day because they help in assisting weight loss, beneficial for diabetic patients, prevent tooth decay etc. However, it was later studied that artificial sweeteners are responsible for liver disease, bladder cancer, headaches, bloating and abdominal pains. Hence, this emanated a need for natural sugar substitute that was sweeter than the sugar and did not provide calories, as well as was safe for consumption. Stevia [Stevia Rebaudiana] is one such natural sweetener. Stevia is herb with incredible sweetening property. Its ability to sweeten is rated between 70 to 400 times that of white sugar.Despite their strong sweet taste, stevia compounds show characteristic off-notes at higher concentrations, e.g. bitter and licorice-like taste. It also has a different time- taste profile than sucrose and time it takes to create sweetness is long compared to sugar which is a serious disadvantage. To address this issue, efforts will be made to accelerate late sweetness onset and to work out suitable masking agent on bitter note of stevia. |
Tag: Food, Processing, Technology |
Standardization Of Tomato Ketchup Manufacturing Process From Tomato Puree |
Guide By: Prof P. M. ganorkar |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: Tomato ketchup is manufactured from fresh tomatoes and tomato puree. Production of tomato ketchup from tomato puree becomes economically feasible when there is a hike in tomato prices. Tomato ketchup producers generally manufacture tomato puree in season having 0brix in the range of 8.3 to 12 without seeds and tomato skin. It is observed that tomato ketchup prepared from tomato puree packed in glass bottles, produces a characteristic darkening (blackening) of the product during its storage. It negatively affects the appearance of the product and consumer denies purchasing such product with question of safety in the mind. In the present investigation, efforts will be directed to identify the root causes of darkening of tomato ketchup during storage and also to study the effect of different organic acids (ascorbic acid and acetic acid) on the tomato ketchup product quality. |
Tag: Food, Food Processing, Technology |
Study On Prevention Of Bursting Of Stuffed Frozen Food Products During Frying |
Taken by : KHUSHI J. DEVTA |
Guide By: Prof P. M. ganorkar |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: Urban lifestyle is changing dynamically with respect to this, food habits are also changing. Demand of RTC/RTS/RTE food products are also increasing. In this product category, frozen RTC/RTS/RTE products are more preferred because of its closeness to natural quality. Frozen RTS food items are being preferred by the consumers. Stuffed frozen snack like samosa when fried bursts at times. This makes product inconvenient to consume. Bursting during frying may be due to diverse reasons such as type of raw materials used, ingredients used, type of process, storage conditions, room temperature maintained at the plant or place where production is taking place, type of process technique, type of stuffing (if any), or if it’s not properly defrost before handling or preheating conditions are not properly followed and various other reasons. Attempts will be carried out to reduce such kind of accidents from taking place. In the present study, we will analyse the whole process of manufacturing of stuffed samosa particularly mix vegetable samosa in detail , study the ingredients , stuffing , storage area, production area, find the temperature range of freezing , storing ,frying, study physical properties of the pastry sheet etc. |
Tag: Food Processing |
Application Of Natural Ph Indicator For Assessment Of Shelf Life Of Fruit Beverages |
Guide By: Dr. Anil Nandane |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: The food industry has used colorants for centuries to enhance or restore the original appearance of the foods or to ensure uniformity as an indicator of food quality. Therefore, colour is a major issue for the food industry and the manufacturer will try his best to retain the natural appearance of the raw material. However during the processing and storage , food colour may be altered through the action of light , temperature , oxygen , metal ions and endogenous enzymes as described in the structure of Anthocyanin. In addition, the colour of fruits and vegetables will vary during seasons depending on their intra- and inter- specific variables and soil conditions at the site of cultivation and post-harvest treatments. Currently, more consumers are health conscience and becoming more concerned about what they are eating and as a result, synthetic pigments are becoming increasingly rejected by the consumers. The acceptance of natural or nature-derived alternatives such as Anthocyanin components is promoted due to their increasing health benefits. Extensive research on the health benefits of Anthocyanins has drawn attention to their use in functional foods and as a natural food colorant. The present investigation involve use of anthocyanin from natural sources as pH indicator to asses the storage life of selected fruit based beverages. The potential sources of anthocyanin will be Red cabbage, red beet, blackberries and strawberries and the beverages selected in study are orange, lemon, pineapple and mixed fruit juices. |
Tag: Food Processing |
To Study And Analyze The Refrigeration System Of Vidya Dairy And Suggest Measures To Reduce Power Consumption |
Guide By: Prof S.K.Mishra |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing Technology |
Abstract: n Vidya Dairy the refrigeration system is a ammonia based two stage vapour compression system with inter-cooling between two stages. The total refrigeration capacity of plant is 210 ton. The total power units utilized by dairy in 1 month are 7500/out of which 4500 units arre used by refrigeration plant. The cost of power is approximately 12.5 lakhs per month for refrigeration purpose only. Cost of refrigeration is quite high, therefore by reducing power consumption even by 10% the industry can benefit significantly. In view of this, the project “To study and analyse the refrigeration system of Vidya Dairy and suggest measures to reduce power consumption” was under taken and the following objectives were fixed:1) to analyse the reason for high power consumption in refrigeration section. 2) to suggest measures for reducing consumptions of refrigeration plant. Based on a number of visits made to the plant and a detailed analysis of various working parameters, it was found that by reducing the ambient temperature around cooling tower and decreasing temperature difference of cooling tower the refrigeration effect can be increased and the power consumption will also reduce. So by optimizing inlet and outlet temperature of cooling tower and velocity of air in it our objective could be fulfilled. |
Tag: Food Processing |
Development Of Instant Buttermilk Powder |
Guide By: Prof S.K.Mishra |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: The task of developing instant buttermilk powder was assigned by Vitagreen Food Products Pvt. Ltd. Looking at vast scope in the area of buttermilk powder manufacturing and sales. Buttermilk is a by product formed during churning and washing of butter in the butter manufacturing industry. The buttermilk has approximately 9% total solids. It is a popular digestive beverage consumed in sub continental parts of India. It is pro biotic drink containing useful microrganism which are beneficial to our health. To fulfil the project tasks the following objectives have be decided: 1. To formulate instant buttermilk powder. 2.To study the ideal characteristics of regular buttermilk available in market such as amount of Lactose , butterfat, water content, protein, acidity, pH, ash content etc. 3. To prepare dry buttermilk powder from concentrated curd with the use of drying mechanisms such as spray dryer. 4. To study the physical & chemical properties of powder formed & it’s re-hydration properties like Solubility Index. 5. To study sensory properties of instant mix buttermilk. 6. To develop processing parameters for the production of instant buttermilk powder. 7. To study the economical aspects for manufacturing of instant mix buttermilk. 8. To conduct basic analytical & sensory quality evaluation of the developed buttermilk powder. Preliminary trials have been conducted and analysis is in progress. |
Tag: Food Processing |
Prevention Of Steam Losses During The Production Of Dextrose Monohydrate And Liquid Glucose Plant |
Taken by : SMIT S. PATEL |
Guide By: Prof S.K.Mishra |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: Britannia Industries LTD
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: Steam is used at Anil starch for complete hydrolysis of starch and the rate of steam consumption is approximately 7 kg steam/kg of starch. Upon visit to the company and detail analysis it was found that steam loss occurs at dextrose monohydrate plant in Dryer section at all steam valve packing, crystallizer all steam valve packing, finisher main steam valve, convector valve trap packing, Dryer outlet steam pack, Near main steam header convertor line. And at liquid glucose plant in at P.G thread near the auto valve and AVDT near auto valve. It was further observed that approximately 5-10%of steam losses occurring at various stages can be curtailed. In view of this the present project was undertaken with following objectives: To study the causes of the loss of steam at various processing steps and prevention of steam losses during processing. However there is 10%steam loss in plants so to reduce up that loss 2-3%.further analysis and study shows that steam loss can be stopped by using good insulating materials. Insulating material having low VOC water base quality system materials with low thermal conduction do not transfer heat energy which can make them excellent insulators. |
Tag: Food Processing |
To Prolong The Shelf Life Of Multi Fibre Bread |
Guide By: |
College : A. D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Branch: Food Technology
Industry Name: Britannia Industries LTD
IDP/UDP Field: Food Processing and Technology |
Abstract: As we have done our training at Britannia Industries LTD (Bread plant), we came to know about the new varieties of bread named as “Yoga” varieties. In which they introduced Multifibre, Honey oats, Multi grain & Whole wheat bread. Normally all the varieties have shelf life of 5 days but in case of multifibre bread, it is coming around 2-3 days only. So it is very necessary to increase its shelf life for at least 5 days. This 5 days shelf life will be convenient for both customers & producer. Hence, we have decided to do our project on increase in shelf life of multifibre bread. Content of multifibre in bread increases its nutritional value as it includes whole wheat flour and wheat bran. These additional ingredients are rich source of vitamins, fibres, phytochemicals, minerals and essential amino acids which are present in less quantity in other varieties of bread. It also improves texture, flavor and overall preference. It is concluded that a substitution of multifibre gives the bread with excellent quality. Now we are going to study the physical, chemical and microbial properties of multifibre bread and also the sensory properties of it. |
Tag: Food Processing |
Weight Reduction Of Polyester. |
Taken by : Garg Charchit ,Gemlawala Vicky,Das Dipankar |
Guide By: Prof. A. V. Halbe ,Prof. A. J. Vaidya |
College : SCET, Surat Branch: Textile Technology
Industry Name: Siddhi Vinayak Knots & Prints Pvt. Ltd.
IDP/UDP Field: Textile Processing Pre-Treatment |
Abstract: The project is based on various studies on weight reduction of Polyester which includes the optimization of quantity of caustic to be used, determination of utilized and unutilised caustic and its threshold value in weight reduction of polyester the project also focuses on study of important parameter concentration of caustic with respect to other variables like Time and Temperature. Also the effect of various quality features of fabrics and other auxiliary chemicals will be studied. It includes as an essential and important feature of the project that is determination of degree of weight reduction. |
Tag: Textile Processing , Pre-Treatment |
Processing Of Regenerated Fibres. |
Taken by : Saxena Ankit,Singhal Siddharth,Joshi Ashish |
Guide By: Prof. M. S. Inamdar, Prof. D. V. Patel |
College : SCET, Surat Branch: Textile Technology
Industry Name: Pragati Synthetics Pvt. Ltd.
IDP/UDP Field: Textile Processing |
Abstract: In today’s era demand for regenerated fibres is increasing day by day is gaining high potential and demand everywhere. Regenerated fibres include viscose rayon, bemberg, tensel, lyosel etc that are developed from natural resources like wood, bamboo etc which are rich with cellulose. They posses many novel properties and thus are widely used today. However these fibres face several problems/challenges during their wet processing operations such as poor wet strength, susceptibility towards various chemicals, barriness in dyeing, poor resistance to bacterial attack, ring formation etc. In order to overcome such problems, we in this research project are aimed to modify and implement new processing methodologies with respect to process control parameters and application of nanotechnology & biotechnology etc. |
Tag: Textile Processing,Regenerated Fibres. |
Synthesis And Aplication Of Photo And Thermo Cromic Dyes |
Taken by : Josi Pratik Vijaybhai,
Dabhi Prince Arvindbhai,
Patil Pragnesh kishorbhai |
Guide By: Prof.A.J.Vaidya |
College : SCET, Surat Branch: Textile Technology
Industry Name: Arvind Mill Ltd., Naroda, Ahmedabad
IDP/UDP Field: Dyeing and Fashion |
Abstract: Photochromic dyes are a very important and relatively novel class of dyes. The usual, though not exclusive, behaviour of these dyes is to show a reversible colour change from colourless to coloured when exposed to UV light. Among the photochromic dye classes, spirooxazines and naphthopyrans were selected for investigation. An attempt was made to construct molecules with a permanent chromophore (azo) in spirooxazines as well as naphthopyrans separately, with a view to providing a colour change from one colour to another. Three different isomers of dihydroxynaphthalene were used as one group of starting materials for the synthesis of spirooxazines with the introduction of the azo (hydrazone) chromophore by coupling. Other starting materials used were anthraquinones, naphthoquinones and pyrazolones. A range of molecular modelling techniques (molecular mechanics, MM2 and quantum mechanics, AM1) using the CAChe system, were applied to predict optimized geometrical conformations and energies of the ring-closed form and ringopened merocyanine forms of all the dyes. PPP-MO calculations were also carried out to predict the potential colour of the dyes. The dyes were characterized using DSC, FTIR, NMR, UV-Visible spectroscopy and elemental analysis. The photochromic properties of one of the azospirooxazines was subjected to a detailed study under different experimental conditions, and showed a unique slow colour change from orange to grey. |
Tag: Dyeing ,Fashion,Synthesis |
Application Of Gelatine And Its Derivatives In Textile Processing |
Taken by : Ahir Jayant Mangalbhai,
Dumaswala Krushabh Hitesh,
Rohit Shailesh Parsottambhai |
Guide By: Prof. A. V. Halbe |
College : SCET Surat Branch: Textile Technology
Industry Name: Sai Jyoti Fashion
IDP/UDP Field: Textile Processing Finishing |
Abstract: The project is basically focuses on the probable applications of gelatine and its derivatives or otherwise its blend with few polymers to impart typical properties to the textiles- woven and non wovens to form composites. The properties of gelatin and other polymers will be used to get some useful properties like the required degree of protection and biodegradability. The work hence involves the study of properties of gelatin and other polymers, preparation of copolymers of gelatin, study of properties of these copolymers, application on to woven and nonwoven, evaluation of composites for various properties etc. |
Tag: Textile ,Processing Finishing |
Designing A Novel Bio Pesticide For Controlling Pest In Castor (ricinus Communis) Plant And Other Plants
Taken by : Jigna kanani,
Manali Varsani
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Designing a novel bio pesticide for controlling pest in Castor (Ricinus communis) plant and other plants
IDP/UDP Field: plant biotechnology
Abstract: The organisms can be infected by microbes like viruses and sometimes due to this infection, organisms may be killed. So using this type of microbes, we can control pest on the plants. Nowadays, mostly chemical pesticides are used for control of the pests which causes disease or harmful effects in the crop plants. And chemical pesticides have many adverse effects on human health, environment, other organism etc. To reduce the effects of chemical pesticides mainly on human health, we can use infectious microbes as a biopesticide to control the pest. So as a model plant, we have done the experiment on castor plant. The castor semilooper is a very serious pest in castor plant. To control this pest, an infectious virus like NPV or GV can be used as Biopesticides. The advantage to use this type of Biopesticides is that there is no any adverse effect on human and wildlife.
Tag: plant biotechnology |
Increasing Capsaicin Content In The Chilly Cultivar (reshampatti) Of Saurashtra.
Taken by : Khushbu Lalikya,
Bhumi Bhadeshia,
Madhuri Sheth
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Increasing capsaicin content in the chilly cultivar (Reshampatti) of Saurashtra.
IDP/UDP Field: food biotechnology
Abstract: "The present study is aimed to overproduction of desired compound (capsaicin) in Reshampatti (Capsicum annuum) by in vitro induction of callus using placental explants. Explants were cultured on MS Medium supplemented with the various combination of 2, 4-D and Kinetin. Of all tried combinations of
growth hormones, MS Medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg/L Kinetin produced significant callus induction and proliferation. The placental callus extract was taken for the estimation of capsaicin by colorimetric method. Extract had 3.026 mg of capsaicin per gram fresh weight of the callus. This could
be an efficient protocol for the development of new cultivar of Reshampatti with
desired level of pungency through micropropagation."
Tag: food, biotechnology, |
Development Of Effective Formulations For The Protein Hydrolysats
Taken by : Bhaumik Gohel,
Bhaumil Patoliya,
Yagnesh Maniya
Guide By: Mr. Dharmesh Sur |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology
Abstract: Color, odor imparts appearance and quality defects to calcium lactate and lactic acid exemplifying impurities, hence must be removed. Activated Carbon with neutral or slight alkaline pH with good MB Value was usually preferred for decolorization process. Costing of AC largely depends on its adsorption strengths (MB value, Iodine value, Molasses no.) and occasionally on moisture. However in case of organic impurities removal ,apart from adsorption strengths , pHs of activated carbon also plays a significant role since colored impurities or melanoidins might be precipitated and removed more easily by acidic pH AC which was verified during our project work. Considering the view, decolorizing potential of different activated carbon samples of varied pHs at various concentrations and temp values (600C to 650C) for Calcium lactate /lactic acid broth was observed. Effect of pHs (2 to10) of different Activated carbon samples and contact time (30min) on Calcium lactate broth/lactic acid decolorization was studied. Activated carbon samples of acidic pHs (pH2 to 4) consumed slightly less at 600C and pH 6.5-7.5 compared to neutral and more less when compared to alkaline pH AC samples. These results revealed significant role of pHs of activated carbon with respective to decolorization. The reduction in AC consumptions by opting for acidic pH samples may reduce down streaming expenditure at VBTL in commercial manufacturing of Calcium lactate, Lactic acid and also lessens additional loads on Effluent Treatment Plant.
Tag: biotechnology |
Studies On Development Of Red Bed Technology
Taken by : Raval karma,
Lalji Shyora,
Darshan Joshi
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: studies on development of red bed technology
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology
Abstract: During our visit to Saurashtra chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (Saukem Pvt. Ltd.) at Porbandar as of the a part “Shodhyatra”, we observed that Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boilers were mainly in operations for the thermal power generation. These boilers utilized coal as the primary fuel. The function of the coal fired thermal power plant was to convert the energy available in the coal to Electricity. The process resulted in the generation of Fly-Ash. These Fly-Ash serves as the basic raw material for cement industries. But due the combustion process of coal in the CFBC boilers operated at Saukem Pvt. Ltd. the Fly-ash thus generated was observed to have less applicability as a raw material in cement industries. For fly ash to be used as a raw material in the cement industries it must meet certain quality requirements, but due to the combustion process in the plant the fly ash generated was observed to be of low grades and thus was problematic due to its low applicability. Moreover various pollutants generated were problematic at the power plant like Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Sulphur Dioxide, Particulate matters, Nitrogen Oxides that can lead to several environmental hazards. As the Fly ash generated at the plant were having less applicability and also the disposal of it was problematic we intend to utilize the generated fly ash for the development of Reed Bed Technology, thus eliminating the risks of Environmental hazards.
Tag: red bed technology |
Studies On Enhancement Of Shelf Life Of Peda Using Bacteriocins
Taken by : Rajdev Seema,
Nidhi Dave,
Urvi Ardeshna,
Pandya Gunjan
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
IDP/UDP Field: dairy biotechnology
Abstract: As a part of the “Shodhyatra”, we surveyed different routine practices of various dairy products at Rajkot dairy. There were various products produced at Rajkot dairy. But the procedure of the Peda-making currently practiced by them resulted in a low shelf life of peda i.e., 10 days at room temperature. We identified that due to high moisture content of peda, bacterial contaminations in peda was a frequent problem that results ultimately for its low shelf-life. Peda contains high moisture content and is required for the softness and quality of peda. Due to moisture content, the bacterial growth is obtained in the peda and thus results in the spoilage of the product. Moisture is the constant factor for the quality of peda. Hence moisture cannot be decreased as it is related with the quality of product. If moisture is reduced then quality will be decreased. Thus the focus should be made on decreasing the bacterial contamination. This study was carried out with respect to the use of antioxidants to extend the shelf life of peda. Buffalo milk with 6% fat was used for preparation of peda for the experimental trials. Tocopherol acetate at the rate of 10, 12 and 16 ppm and sodium ascorbate at the rate of 400, 600 and 800 ppm were added in the peda. The peda samples were subjected to organoleptic evaluation. It could be concluded that sodium ascorbate at the rate of 800 ppm and combination of (tocopherol acetate + sodium ascorbate) at the rate of (10 ppm and 400 ppm) could be used for checking the increase in TBA value of peda during storage. None of the treatments had significant effect on free fat of peda during storage. Potassium sorbate treatment could be used effectively for controlling SPC of peda during storage.
Tag: dairy biotechnology |
Disposal Of Human Anatomical Waste Produced In Hospitals
Taken by : Monica Yadav,
Sahil Shah
Guide By: Pooja Raja |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Disposal of human anatomical waste produced in hospitals
IDP/UDP Field: microbial immunology
Abstract: "In DistroMed Services, Biomedical waste is being collected from various hospitals under Rajkot, Bhavnagar, and Kutch region. Around 800 kg of human anatomical waste is collected from these regions. It is important to understand distinction between anatomical and pathological waste. While both are wastes derived from the human body, pathological wastes are unique in that these are typically samples of tissue that are examined in the laboratory setting to understand the nature of disease or affliction from which a patient suffers.
Human anatomical waste includes human tissues, organs, or body parts removed by trauma, during surgery, autopsy, studies, or another hospital procedure, which are intended for disposal. Presently used method for its treatment is through diesel powered incinerator which is expensive and do not result in complete disposal of human anatomical waste which can cause serious environmental hazards. This may lead to the impairment of the immune & nervous system & skin lesions and altered liver function. Hence an alternative cost-effective and eco-friendly disposal technique needs to be implemented for human anatomical waste. Waste is being treated with various microbial strain and worms. This will cause rapid degradation and then reduction of micro organism will be counted by weekly sample analysis.
Tag: microbial immunology |
To Find Out Decomposition Strategies For Agricultural Wastes
Taken by : Malli Nirav,
Parakram Jadeja
Guide By: Dr. Sumit Kumar D. shastry |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: To find out decomposition strategies for agricultural wastes
IDP/UDP Field: agricultural biotechnology
Abstract: During our visit to Agriland Biotech Pvt. Ltd. at Savli as a part of “Shodhyatra”, we observed that Agricultural solid wastes are abundant, and not yet fully utilized. Wastes such as rice straw are 60% cellulose, and have a very low economic value. Cellulose is a compound which is slow to decompose. This makes its utilization very difficult. What is needed is an effective microbe which can decompose cellulose. The focus of the project is to find out a new decomposition strategies which can decompose agricultural wastes which is of cotton plant, peanuts, corn, nuts, rice, sugarcane and also packaging, silage plastics, redundant machinery, net wrap, oils, batteries, old fencing, scrap metal wastes etc. There are common decomposition strategies namely gasification, micro organisms, combustion and bio activator .this methods have the capacity to decompose many of the agricultural wastes so we majorly focus on microorganism decomposition method. In micro organism decomposition method we isolate the micro organism from the degraded cotton waste sample and grow on agar plate. By using that micro organism we can decompose cotton waste in very short time. If we don’t decompose this types of agricultural wastes then it will create hazardous problems for humans and environment. So, we must have the specific decomposition strategy for particular agricultural wastes.
Tag: agricultural biotechnology |
Linear Ir Lamp For Physiotherapy
Guide By: Prof. Nimit Shah |
College : C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology Branch: Bio-Medical Engg.
Industry Name: Linear IR lamp for Physiotherapy
IDP/UDP Field: Biomedical engineering/ Electronics and communications engineering
Abstract: "Traditionally static infrared radiation emitting lamp is being used. In condition like back muscle spasm, Sciatica, whole limb numbness radiates pain in the larger area. The disadvantage of this therapy unit is
that it provides heating to a limited area of pain being stationary. This problem can be overcome by dynamic (linear horizontal mechanism) of lamp for the bigger area of application. This will require a motor attached to a shaft, timer circuit to specify the time for the movement of lamp."
Tag: Linear IR lamp for Physiotherapy |
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