Designing A Novel Bio Pesticide For Controlling Pest In Castor (ricinus Communis) Plant And Other Plants
Taken by : Jigna kanani,
Manali Varsani
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Designing a novel bio pesticide for controlling pest in Castor (Ricinus communis) plant and other plants
IDP/UDP Field: plant biotechnology
Abstract: The organisms can be infected by microbes like viruses and sometimes due to this infection, organisms may be killed. So using this type of microbes, we can control pest on the plants. Nowadays, mostly chemical pesticides are used for control of the pests which causes disease or harmful effects in the crop plants. And chemical pesticides have many adverse effects on human health, environment, other organism etc. To reduce the effects of chemical pesticides mainly on human health, we can use infectious microbes as a biopesticide to control the pest. So as a model plant, we have done the experiment on castor plant. The castor semilooper is a very serious pest in castor plant. To control this pest, an infectious virus like NPV or GV can be used as Biopesticides. The advantage to use this type of Biopesticides is that there is no any adverse effect on human and wildlife.
Tag: plant biotechnology |
Increasing Capsaicin Content In The Chilly Cultivar (reshampatti) Of Saurashtra.
Taken by : Khushbu Lalikya,
Bhumi Bhadeshia,
Madhuri Sheth
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Increasing capsaicin content in the chilly cultivar (Reshampatti) of Saurashtra.
IDP/UDP Field: food biotechnology
Abstract: "The present study is aimed to overproduction of desired compound (capsaicin) in Reshampatti (Capsicum annuum) by in vitro induction of callus using placental explants. Explants were cultured on MS Medium supplemented with the various combination of 2, 4-D and Kinetin. Of all tried combinations of
growth hormones, MS Medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg/L Kinetin produced significant callus induction and proliferation. The placental callus extract was taken for the estimation of capsaicin by colorimetric method. Extract had 3.026 mg of capsaicin per gram fresh weight of the callus. This could
be an efficient protocol for the development of new cultivar of Reshampatti with
desired level of pungency through micropropagation."
Tag: food, biotechnology, |
Development Of Effective Formulations For The Protein Hydrolysats
Taken by : Bhaumik Gohel,
Bhaumil Patoliya,
Yagnesh Maniya
Guide By: Mr. Dharmesh Sur |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology
Abstract: Color, odor imparts appearance and quality defects to calcium lactate and lactic acid exemplifying impurities, hence must be removed. Activated Carbon with neutral or slight alkaline pH with good MB Value was usually preferred for decolorization process. Costing of AC largely depends on its adsorption strengths (MB value, Iodine value, Molasses no.) and occasionally on moisture. However in case of organic impurities removal ,apart from adsorption strengths , pHs of activated carbon also plays a significant role since colored impurities or melanoidins might be precipitated and removed more easily by acidic pH AC which was verified during our project work. Considering the view, decolorizing potential of different activated carbon samples of varied pHs at various concentrations and temp values (600C to 650C) for Calcium lactate /lactic acid broth was observed. Effect of pHs (2 to10) of different Activated carbon samples and contact time (30min) on Calcium lactate broth/lactic acid decolorization was studied. Activated carbon samples of acidic pHs (pH2 to 4) consumed slightly less at 600C and pH 6.5-7.5 compared to neutral and more less when compared to alkaline pH AC samples. These results revealed significant role of pHs of activated carbon with respective to decolorization. The reduction in AC consumptions by opting for acidic pH samples may reduce down streaming expenditure at VBTL in commercial manufacturing of Calcium lactate, Lactic acid and also lessens additional loads on Effluent Treatment Plant.
Tag: biotechnology |
Studies On Development Of Red Bed Technology
Taken by : Raval karma,
Lalji Shyora,
Darshan Joshi
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: studies on development of red bed technology
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology
Abstract: During our visit to Saurashtra chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (Saukem Pvt. Ltd.) at Porbandar as of the a part “Shodhyatra”, we observed that Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boilers were mainly in operations for the thermal power generation. These boilers utilized coal as the primary fuel. The function of the coal fired thermal power plant was to convert the energy available in the coal to Electricity. The process resulted in the generation of Fly-Ash. These Fly-Ash serves as the basic raw material for cement industries. But due the combustion process of coal in the CFBC boilers operated at Saukem Pvt. Ltd. the Fly-ash thus generated was observed to have less applicability as a raw material in cement industries. For fly ash to be used as a raw material in the cement industries it must meet certain quality requirements, but due to the combustion process in the plant the fly ash generated was observed to be of low grades and thus was problematic due to its low applicability. Moreover various pollutants generated were problematic at the power plant like Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Sulphur Dioxide, Particulate matters, Nitrogen Oxides that can lead to several environmental hazards. As the Fly ash generated at the plant were having less applicability and also the disposal of it was problematic we intend to utilize the generated fly ash for the development of Reed Bed Technology, thus eliminating the risks of Environmental hazards.
Tag: red bed technology |
Studies On Enhancement Of Shelf Life Of Peda Using Bacteriocins
Taken by : Rajdev Seema,
Nidhi Dave,
Urvi Ardeshna,
Pandya Gunjan
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
IDP/UDP Field: dairy biotechnology
Abstract: As a part of the “Shodhyatra”, we surveyed different routine practices of various dairy products at Rajkot dairy. There were various products produced at Rajkot dairy. But the procedure of the Peda-making currently practiced by them resulted in a low shelf life of peda i.e., 10 days at room temperature. We identified that due to high moisture content of peda, bacterial contaminations in peda was a frequent problem that results ultimately for its low shelf-life. Peda contains high moisture content and is required for the softness and quality of peda. Due to moisture content, the bacterial growth is obtained in the peda and thus results in the spoilage of the product. Moisture is the constant factor for the quality of peda. Hence moisture cannot be decreased as it is related with the quality of product. If moisture is reduced then quality will be decreased. Thus the focus should be made on decreasing the bacterial contamination. This study was carried out with respect to the use of antioxidants to extend the shelf life of peda. Buffalo milk with 6% fat was used for preparation of peda for the experimental trials. Tocopherol acetate at the rate of 10, 12 and 16 ppm and sodium ascorbate at the rate of 400, 600 and 800 ppm were added in the peda. The peda samples were subjected to organoleptic evaluation. It could be concluded that sodium ascorbate at the rate of 800 ppm and combination of (tocopherol acetate + sodium ascorbate) at the rate of (10 ppm and 400 ppm) could be used for checking the increase in TBA value of peda during storage. None of the treatments had significant effect on free fat of peda during storage. Potassium sorbate treatment could be used effectively for controlling SPC of peda during storage.
Tag: dairy biotechnology |
Disposal Of Human Anatomical Waste Produced In Hospitals
Taken by : Monica Yadav,
Sahil Shah
Guide By: Pooja Raja |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Disposal of human anatomical waste produced in hospitals
IDP/UDP Field: microbial immunology
Abstract: "In DistroMed Services, Biomedical waste is being collected from various hospitals under Rajkot, Bhavnagar, and Kutch region. Around 800 kg of human anatomical waste is collected from these regions. It is important to understand distinction between anatomical and pathological waste. While both are wastes derived from the human body, pathological wastes are unique in that these are typically samples of tissue that are examined in the laboratory setting to understand the nature of disease or affliction from which a patient suffers.
Human anatomical waste includes human tissues, organs, or body parts removed by trauma, during surgery, autopsy, studies, or another hospital procedure, which are intended for disposal. Presently used method for its treatment is through diesel powered incinerator which is expensive and do not result in complete disposal of human anatomical waste which can cause serious environmental hazards. This may lead to the impairment of the immune & nervous system & skin lesions and altered liver function. Hence an alternative cost-effective and eco-friendly disposal technique needs to be implemented for human anatomical waste. Waste is being treated with various microbial strain and worms. This will cause rapid degradation and then reduction of micro organism will be counted by weekly sample analysis.
Tag: microbial immunology |
To Find Out Decomposition Strategies For Agricultural Wastes
Taken by : Malli Nirav,
Parakram Jadeja
Guide By: Dr. Sumit Kumar D. shastry |
College : V.V.P.Eng College , Rajkot Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: To find out decomposition strategies for agricultural wastes
IDP/UDP Field: agricultural biotechnology
Abstract: During our visit to Agriland Biotech Pvt. Ltd. at Savli as a part of “Shodhyatra”, we observed that Agricultural solid wastes are abundant, and not yet fully utilized. Wastes such as rice straw are 60% cellulose, and have a very low economic value. Cellulose is a compound which is slow to decompose. This makes its utilization very difficult. What is needed is an effective microbe which can decompose cellulose. The focus of the project is to find out a new decomposition strategies which can decompose agricultural wastes which is of cotton plant, peanuts, corn, nuts, rice, sugarcane and also packaging, silage plastics, redundant machinery, net wrap, oils, batteries, old fencing, scrap metal wastes etc. There are common decomposition strategies namely gasification, micro organisms, combustion and bio activator .this methods have the capacity to decompose many of the agricultural wastes so we majorly focus on microorganism decomposition method. In micro organism decomposition method we isolate the micro organism from the degraded cotton waste sample and grow on agar plate. By using that micro organism we can decompose cotton waste in very short time. If we don’t decompose this types of agricultural wastes then it will create hazardous problems for humans and environment. So, we must have the specific decomposition strategy for particular agricultural wastes.
Tag: agricultural biotechnology |
Disposal Of Human Anatomical Waste (placenta) Produced In Hospitals |
Taken by : Sahil Shah, Monica Yadav |
Guide By: Ms. Pooja Raja |
College : V. V. P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Distromed bioclean pvt. ltd. |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: In DistroMed Services, Biomedical waste is being collected from various hospitals under Rajkot, Bhavnagar, and Kutch region. Around 800 kg of human anatomical waste is collected from these regions. It is important to understand distinction between anatomical and pathological waste. While both are wastes derived from the human body, pathological wastes are unique in that these are typically samples of tissue that are examined in the laboratory setting to understand the nature of disease or affliction from which a patient suffers. Human anatomical waste includes human tissues, organs, or body parts removed by trauma, during surgery, autopsy, studies, or another hospital procedure, which are intended for disposal. Presently used method for its treatment is through diesel powered incinerator which is expensive and do not result in complete disposal of human anatomical waste which can cause serious environmental hazards. This may lead to the impairment of the immune & nervous system & skin lesions and altered liver function. Hence an alternative cost-effective and eco-friendly disposal technique needs to be implemented for human anatomical waste. Waste is being treated with various microbial strain and worms. This will cause rapid degradation and then reduction of micro organism will be counted by weekly sample analysis. |
Increasing Capsaicin Content In The Chilly Cultivar (reshampatti) Of Saurashtra. |
Taken by : khushbu lalkiya, bhadesia bhumi, sheth madhuri |
Guide By: Mr. Soham Trivedi |
College : V. V. P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Adani Food Products Pvt. Ltd. |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: The present study is aimed to overproduction of desired compound(capsaicin) in Reshampatti (Capsicum annuum) by in vitro induction of callus using placental explants. Explants were cultured on MS Medium supplemented with the various combination of 2, 4-D and Kinetin. Of all tried combinations of growth hormones, MS Medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg/L Kinetin produced significant callus induction and proliferation. The placental callus extract was taken for the estimation of capsaicin by colorimetric method. Extract had 3.026 mg of capsaicin per gram fresh weight of the callus. This could be an efficient protocol for the development of new cultivar of Reshampatti with desired level of pungency through micropropagation. |
Optimization Of In-house Pcr-ssp Technique For Hla B27 Typing And Its Comparison With The Serology Test |
Taken by : Vanvi Dharashree Mukeshkumar |
Guide By: Ms. Pooja Raja |
College : V. V. P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Shree Satyam Diagnostic Centre |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: During “Shodhyatra” it was observed that in Rajkot there were frequent cases of Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (SSA). In various diagnostics laboratories many blood samples of suspected Sero-negative patients needed to be analysed on daily basis for the detection of HLA-B27. The techniques that were generally employed in routine clinical practice were based on Microlymphocytotoxicity assays. Some laboratories generally send such samples to other states that adds to the overall cost for the exact diagnosis. Moreover, there are various limitations of these serological approaches and false-negative results are a frequent problem for HLA-B27 typing. Thus there is a need to develop and encourage PCR based techniques for the detection of HLA-B27 that relies on specific DNA sequences, can be a direct determination of allelic DNA and thus will be a ideal test for HLA-B27. To serve this purpose during the present studies we intend to develop a In House PCR-Sequence-Specific Priming technique. In PCR-SSP technique the oligonucleotide primers start the PCR that have sequences complimentary to known sequences, which are characteristic to certain HLA specificities. For e.g. the primers those are specific to HLA-B27, will not able to initiate the PCR for HLA-DR17. Using a set of different PCR’s each with primers specific for different HLA antigens does typing. Thus by the successful present studies the In-House PCR-SSP technique can be used in parallel with serological typing in various diagnostics laboratories in Rajkot and also across the state. |
To Enhance The Shelf-life Of Peda At Room Temperature |
Taken by : Nidhi N. Dave, Rajdev Seema, Ardeshna Urvi, Pandya Gunjan |
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V. V. P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Rajkot dairy |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: This study was carried out with respect to the use of antioxidants to extend the shelf life of peda. Buffalo milk with 6% fat was used for preparation of peda for the experimental trials. Tocopherol acetate at the rate of 10, 12 and 16 ppm and sodium ascorbate at the rate of 400, 600 and 800 ppm were added in the peda. The peda samples were subjected to organoleptic evaluation.
Potassium sorbate at the rate of 0.2 %( w/w) was added in the peda as preservative. Peda samples were packed in LDPE (50-55 micron) packages and stored for further studies. During storage sensory quality, physico-chemical quality and bacteriological quality of peda was analysed. Effect on free fat of peda during storage. Potassium sorbate treatment could be used effectively for controlling SPC of peda during storage. |
Isolation Of Actinomycetes From Soil Sample From Village-vajdi And Haripar And To Evaluate Its Antimicrobial Activity. |
Guide By: Arun Kr. Pathak |
College : V. V. P. ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAJKOT Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: |
Abstract: Actinomycetes are the most economically and biotechnologically valuable prokaryotes. They are responsible for the production of about half of the discovered bioactive secondary metabolites, notably antibiotics, antitumor agents, immunosuppressive agents and enzymes. This led me to isolate six actinomycetes from soil sample collected from Vajdi and Haripar village (22.18°N 70.47°E) in Rajkot district of Gujarat state of India. Gram staining and biochemical characterization of the isolated actinomycetes was done. Secondary metabolites were isolated from these isolated actinomycetes and bioactivity of secondary metabolites was evaluated. One out of the six isolates showed good activity in antibacterial studies against E. coli. Further studies on the purification and characterization of bioactive compounds from the strain can be carried out. Most of the studies conducted in Indian peninsula have been restricted to isolation, identification and studied for their antagonistic properties against different microbial pathogens. But the detailed studies on the bioactive compounds from the actinomycetes are lacking. It is highly expected that the frequent and systematic screening of actinomycetes in the Indian peninsula could lead to isolation of novel species as well as novel bioactive compounds from them. |
Designing A Novel Bio Pesticide For Controlling Pest In Castor (ricinus Communis) Plant And Other Plants |
Taken by : Manali Varsani |
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Dry Farming research station,rajkot |
IDP/UDP Field: plant biotechnology |
Abstract: The organisms can be infected by microbes like viruses and sometimes due to this infection, organisms may be killed. So using this type of microbes, we can control pest on the plants. Nowadays, mostly chemical pesticides are used for control of the pests which causes disease or harmful effects in the crop plants. And chemical pesticides have many adverse effects on human health, environment, other organism etc. To reduce the effects of chemical pesticides mainly on human health, we can use infectious microbes as a biopesticide to control the pest. So as a model plant, we have done the experiment on castor plant. The castor semilooper is a very serious pest in castor plant. To control this pest, an infectious virus like NPV or GV can be used as Biopesticides. The advantage to use this type of Biopesticides is that there is no any adverse effect on human and wildlife. |
Increasing Capsaicin Content In The Chilly Cultivar (reshampatti) Of Saurashtra. |
Taken by : Bhumi Bhadeshia,Madhuri Sheth |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Adani Food Products Pvt. Ltd,Rajkot |
IDP/UDP Field: food biotechnology |
Abstract: The present study is aimed to overproduction of desired compound
(capsaicin) in Reshampatti (Capsicum annuum) by in vitro induction of callus
using placental explants. Explants were cultured on MS Medium supplemented
with the various combination of 2, 4-D and Kinetin. Of all tried combinations of
growth hormones, MS Medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.5 mg/L
Kinetin produced significant callus induction and proliferation. The placental
callus extract was taken for the estimation of capsaicin by colorimetric method.
Extract had 3.026 mg of capsaicin per gram fresh weight of the callus. This could
be an efficient protocol for the development of new cultivar of Reshampatti with
desired level of pungency through micropropagation. |
Development Of Effective Formulations For The Protein Hydrolysats |
Taken by : Bhaumil Patoliya,Yagnesh Maniya |
Guide By: Mr. Dharmesh Sur |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Vaishnavi Biotech Ltd,Bhavnagar |
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology |
Abstract: Color, odor imparts appearance and quality defects to calcium lactate and lactic acid exemplifying impurities, hence must be removed. Activated Carbon with neutral or slight alkaline pH with good MB Value was usually preferred for decolorization process. Costing of AC largely depends on its adsorption strengths (MB value, Iodine value, Molasses no.) and occasionally on moisture. However in case of organic impurities removal ,apart from adsorption strengths , pHs of activated carbon also plays a significant role since colored impurities or melanoidins might be precipitated and removed more easily by acidic pH AC which was verified during our project work. Considering the view, decolorizing potential of different activated carbon samples of varied pHs at various concentrations and temp values (600C to 650C) for Calcium lactate /lactic acid broth was observed. Effect of pHs (2 to10) of different Activated carbon samples and contact time (30min) on Calcium lactate broth/lactic acid decolorization was studied. Activated carbon samples of acidic pHs (pH2 to 4) consumed slightly less at 600C and pH 6.5-7.5 compared to neutral and more less when compared to alkaline pH AC samples. These results revealed significant role of pHs of activated carbon with respective to decolorization. The reduction in AC consumptions by opting for acidic pH samples may reduce down streaming expenditure at VBTL in commercial manufacturing of Calcium lactate, Lactic acid and also lessens additional loads on Effluent Treatment Plant. |
Isolation Of Actinomycetes From Soil Sample From Village–vajdi And Haripar And To Evaluate Its Antimicrobial Activity |
Taken by : Himal patel |
Guide By: Arunkumar Pathak |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: |
IDP/UDP Field: food biotechnology |
Abstract: Actinomycetes are the most economically and biotechnologically valuable prokaryotes. They are responsible for the production of about half of the discovered bioactive secondary metabolites, notably antibiotics, antitumor agents, immunosuppressive agents and enzymes. This led me to isolate six actinomycetes from soil sample collected from Vajdi and Haripar village (22.18°N 70.47°E) in Rajkot district of Gujarat state of India. Gram staining and biochemical characterization of the isolated actinomycetes was done. Secondary metabolites were isolated from these isolated actinomycetes and bioactivity of secondary metabolites was evaluated. One out of the six isolates showed good activity in antibacterial studies against E. coli. Further studies on the purification and characterization of bioactive compounds from the strain can be carried out. Most of the studies conducted in Indian peninsula have been restricted to isolation, identification and studied for their antagonistic properties against different microbial pathogens. But the detailed studies on the bioactive compounds from the actinomycetes are lacking. It is highly expected that the frequent and systematic screening of actinomycetes in the Indian peninsula could lead to isolation of novel species as well as novel bioactive compounds from them. |
Studies On Strategies For The Control Of Process Foaming |
Taken by : Nilesh Gopani |
Guide By: Mr. Dharmesh Sur |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Vaishnavi Biotech Ltd,Bhavnagar |
IDP/UDP Field: fermentation technology |
Abstract: Haziness development during fermentation process of Calcium lactate may largely affect the clarity/solubility of finished product notifying appearance and quality defects to customers and also in house processing at VBTL hence must be dealt with. Development of this haziness (bacterial & chemical) during fermentation process was investigated. Initially being suspicious of microbial mistiness, the fermented broth after coagulating and flocculating at alkaline pH, high temp ,plated on universal Medias (MRS, NAM, SDA, GYE) for viable lactobacilli, other bacterial, fungal or yeast contaminants. No characteristic growth was observed in any of the plates. Chemical impurities or partial solubilization of buffering agents were suspected. Chemical impurities may arise from low grade buffer agents like Calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2) which we use at VBTL so as to minimize calcium lactate manufacturing cost. Microbial solubilization properties of hazy and hazifree fermented samples were studied. With the intention of enhancing solubilization of these economical grade calcium buffers, Lactobacillus delbrueckii VBTL was screened on screening media (CLP MRS) for effective calcium solubilizer from culture plate level to 50 Lts pilot plant scale. |
Studies On Development Of Red Bed Technology |
Taken by : Raval karma,Lalji Shyora,Darshan Joshi |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Saukem Pvt. Ltd.,porbandar |
IDP/UDP Field: biotechnology |
Abstract: During our visit to Saurashtra chemicals Pvt. Ltd. (Saukem Pvt. Ltd.) at Porbandar as of the a part “Shodhyatra”, we observed that Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) boilers were mainly in operations for the thermal power generation. These boilers utilized coal as the primary fuel. The function of the coal fired thermal power plant was to convert the energy available in the coal to Electricity. The process resulted in the generation of Fly-Ash. These Fly-Ash serves as the basic raw material for cement industries. But due the combustion process of coal in the CFBC boilers operated at Saukem Pvt. Ltd. the Fly-ash thus generated was observed to have less applicability as a raw material in cement industries. For fly ash to be used as a raw material in the cement industries it must meet certain quality requirements, but due to the combustion process in the plant the fly ash generated was observed to be of low grades and thus was problematic due to its low applicability. Moreover various pollutants generated were problematic at the power plant like Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Sulphur Dioxide, Particulate matters, Nitrogen Oxides that can lead to several environmental hazards. As the Fly ash generated at the plant were having less applicability and also the disposal of it was problematic we intend to utilize the generated fly ash for the development of Reed Bed Technology, thus eliminating the risks of Environmental hazards. |
Studies On Enhancement Of Shelf Life Of Peda Using Bacteriocins |
Taken by : Nidhi Dave,Urvi Ardeshna,Pandya Gunjan |
Guide By: Dr. Krishna Joshi |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Rajkot dist. Coop. milk producers ltd |
IDP/UDP Field: dairy biotechnology |
Abstract: As a part of the “Shodhyatra”, we surveyed different routine practices of various dairy products at Rajkot dairy. There were various products produced at Rajkot dairy. But the procedure of the Peda-making currently practiced by them resulted in a low shelf life of peda i.e., 10 days at room temperature. We identified that due to high moisture content of peda, bacterial contaminations in peda was a frequent problem that results ultimately for its low shelf-life. Peda contains high moisture content and is required for the softness and quality of peda. Due to moisture content, the bacterial growth is obtained in the peda and thus results in the spoilage of the product. Moisture is the constant factor for the quality of peda. Hence moisture cannot be decreased as it is related with the quality of product. If moisture is reduced then quality will be decreased. Thus the focus should be made on decreasing the bacterial contamination. This study was carried out with respect to the use of antioxidants to extend the shelf life of peda. Buffalo milk with 6% fat was used for preparation of peda for the experimental trials. Tocopherol acetate at the rate of 10, 12 and 16 ppm and sodium ascorbate at the rate of 400, 600 and 800 ppm were added in the peda. The peda samples were subjected to organoleptic evaluation. It could be concluded that sodium ascorbate at the rate of 800 ppm and combination of (tocopherol acetate + sodium ascorbate) at the rate of (10 ppm and 400 ppm) could be used for checking the increase in TBA value of peda during storage. None of the treatments had significant effect on free fat of peda during storage. Potassium sorbate treatment could be used effectively for controlling SPC of peda during storage. |
Optimization Of In-house Pcr-ssp Technique Fpr Hla B27 Typing And Its Comparison With The Serology Test |
Taken by : Dharashree Vanvi |
Guide By: Pooja Raja |
College : V.V.P. Eng. College Branch: Bio-Technology
Industry Name: Shree Satyam Diagnostic center,Rajkot |
IDP/UDP Field: serology |
Abstract: During “Shodhyatra” it was observed that in Rajkot there were frequent cases of Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies (SSA). In various diagnostics laboratories many blood samples of suspected Sero-negative patients needed to be analysed on daily basis for the detection of HLA-B27. The techniques that were generally employed in routine clinical practice were based on Microlymphocytotoxicity assays. Some laboratories generally send such samples to other states that adds to the overall cost for the exact diagnosis. Moreover, there are various limitations of these serological approaches and false-negative results are a frequent problem for HLA-B27 typing. Thus there is a need to develop and encourage PCR based techniques for the detection of HLA-B27 that relies on specific DNA sequences, can be a direct determination of allelic DNA and thus will be a ideal test for HLA-B27. To serve this purpose during the present studies we developed a In House PCR-Sequence-Specific Priming technique and compared it with the conventional serology test. In PCR-SSP technique the oligonucleotide primers start the PCR that have sequences complimentary to known sequences, which are characteristic to certain HLA specificities. For e.g. the primers those are specific to HLA-B27, will not able to initiate the PCR for HLA-DR17. Using a set of different PCR’s each with primers specific for different HLA antigens does typing. Thus by the successful present studies the In-House PCR-SSP technique can be used in parallel with serological typing in various diagnostics laboratories in Rajkot and also across the state. |
Total : 23 |